Uz'asi Qu'hari was, and is still considered, one of the best warriors that R'ouglia has ever produced. He would walk into battle and face their enemies with no fear. His skills were legend, his training was considered torture. But for the few that made it through his rigerous training they were held in high esteem. Uz'asi is built bigger than any other R'ouglian and seems to tower over everyone. He was both revered and feared for his skills. When Uz'asi faced an enemy down in battle he was cold and methodical. Few knew his gentle nature. Only one person really.
Uz'asi died in battle. A warriors death. He wouldn't have wanted it any other way. K'ava has agreed to fill in these questions to the best of her abilites.
Age: At the time of his death he had just turned 415
Height: 6'9
Weight: 256
Where were you born: North R'ouglia
Marital Status: ...unmated
Siblings/Children: No/no
Favorite Food: Indiali. It's a food much like spaghetti on Earth. The spicer the better for him.
Favorite TV Show: Uz'asi did not know about TV
Favorite Singer: He used to say that the sound of a well balanced blade swinging through the air was better than any voice he would ever hear...except for mine.
Most Memorable moment: Getting his warrior mark
Saddest Moment: Uz'asi did not believe in wasting time on sadness.
Prized Possession: A Yh'enzi blade that he bartered for in the market.
Hobbies: Training
Favorite Vacation Spot: He did not believe in staying stationary for long.
If you were granted one wish what would it be? He would have wanted me to bond with him.
Did you want to add anything else? Uz'asi is, and always will be, the best warrior that ever lived. If I had one wish it would be that I had listened to him when he said I wasn't ready to go into battle. Perhaps he would still be alive. Perhaps my life would have turned out different. Until I go to my rest I will never forget the image of his death from my mind...and the guilt from my heart. In my own way I did care for him...I just wish I knew it back then.
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