
Hannah Moonstein aka Mother

Details about Hannah are few and far between. What is known is that some of her people, the K'atrians, settled in Serenity Cove many years ago. She is the oldest living member. Also no one in town seems to like her. She's Kaylee's boss.

No one likes me? Ha! I don't WANT them to like me! They don't HAVE to like me...but they will respect me!

Age: 1500+
Height: 6'2
Weight: 120
Where were you born: On the fifth moon of K'atri
Marital Status: Dating
Siblings/Children: Our donors don't tell us about other children and I haven't been...fortunate enough to have children of my own.
Favorite Food: Vistick. The best way for me to describe it is like calamari here on Earth.
Favorite TV Show: I don't watch much TV.
Favorite Singer: I don't listen to much music
Most Memorable moment: : Entering Earth's hemisphere safely
Saddest Moment: Leaving the dying members of my race behind.
Prized Possession: Winston
Hobbies: I don't have hobbies
Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere by the ocean....it reminds me of home
If you were granted one wish what would it be? To find a cure for the ailment that ravages my people.
Did you want to add anything else? I am not as cold hearted as people seem to think. I just want things done my way and if not...things will be dealt with!


  1. LMAO: I don't have hobbies! Can't you just see her with her glitter and glue and a scrapbook?!

    Love this!

  2. lol! what a great idea to do this. I love her prized possesion and the final comment. LOL!

  3. Dear God, she's 6'2 and 120lbs??? Freaky!

    LOL "Prized Possession: Winston"!

  4. LOL...

    Great bio!!! :D lol her personality shows up everywhere!! :D lol I do like her, I just wouldn't want her near me... :D lol

  5. Hannah is freaky, I can't wait to find out more about the alien presence in SC.

    prized posession winston...lmbao!

  6. Okay, I'm going to answer you guys all in one post! I was at work for most of the day so I didn't get a chance to respond up until now!

    @Beth: LOL!! That would be hilarious! So not Hannah's style! I tried to make her clean once and she gave me this look...yeah! No, not Hannah!:P

    @Cherie: Thanks! I saw that you had some bios on your site as well! I kind of combined two idea(from you and Penelope) and made this! LOL! Yeah, I'm going to do Winston and see what he says!

    @Penelope: She's all about trying to look modelesque. She's always primping when I leave her by herself. So vain! Haha! I thought everyone could get a kick out of that!

    @Sandy: Ditto that! I wouldn't want her near me either! Thanks so much!

    @Breadsandwiches: Yep, that story arc is coming up with the next few chapters. I'd say about somewhere near chapter twenty three but don't quote me on that!:P

  7. >_> she donesn't watch tv?
    o_o i thought she'd be into true blood or house maybe even desperate housewives

  8. LOL! Hannah is too busy thinking up other things to watch TV. It takes time away from her scheming.


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