
Damon Henry Jameson

Damon is husband to Frances and father to Ty. He started out poor and with a lot of hard work(and some dealings that may come back to haunt him) he and his family are now well taken care of. He met and fell in love with Fran his first year in college and they dated for years before he was finally able to persuade her to marry him. He didn't waste time and took her to the justice of the peace. He later took her on a extravagant honeymoon vacation to make up for the lack of a wedding. Damon is the strong silent type who takes action first and asks questions later.

She makes me sound like I'm some kind of hit man or something! Haha! I just like to listen to people talk. You ever notice that most people don't like silence so they chatter on filling it up with incessant chatter? You find out all kinds of information about people. Alright, I'm doing this questionnaire because my wife said it was important. And if I don't do it she'll nag me for DAYS about it so I figure what the hell! Get it done and over with! Let's start!

Age: 44
Height: 6'5
Weight: 305
Where were you born: Pleasantview
Marital Status: Married
Siblings/Children: Two older brother and one son
Favorite Food: Chinese
Favorite TV Show: Army Wives(yeah, yeah!)
Favorite Singer: Janis Joplin(that woman had soul!)
Most Memorable moment: Marrying Fran
Saddest Moment: That day eighteen years ago when I realized my life was heading down a self destructive path if I didn't do something.
Prized Possession: The first touchdown football that Ty threw in high school
Hobbies: Watching sports, souping up cars, messing around with technology
Favorite Vacation Spot: Wherever my wife wants to go
If you were granted one wish what would it be? For someone to cook me a steak EXACTLY the way I ask for it damn it!
Did you want to add anything else? No...not at this particular time


  1. "Whereever my wife wants to go"


  2. LOL Pen!!! Hey, you try dealing with Fran on a regular bases! That woman is a trip! Damon isn't the type who likes to travel. He enjoys just being at the house with a good book. Fran, on the other hand, has the wanderlust and since he wants to be with her....



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